The Ants of Africa
New records of ants from Sudan Acacia senegal collected by J H Mathews, 2000-1

Ants from Sudan Acacia senegal, collected by J H Mathews, University of Oxford, 2000-1

* first record for Sudan

Collection localities (P = Plantation, SNW = semi-natural woodland); ants were not captured from all plots

Preliminary trials were in Kordofan, El Ain, near El Obeid, in October 2000; location not given but presumably close to the Rahad plantation (examined 040, 059, 072-096)

Rahad Research Area, Kordofan - 12°56' N 30°35' E; Nov-Dec 2000 - 15 P 12 SNW; June-July 2001 - 21 P 18 SNW (examined 4 tubes; 273-281); Sept-Oct 2001 - 21 P 20 SNW (examined 9 tubes; 310-340)

Khordonia, Damazine Plantation, Blue Nile - 11°51' N 34°15' E; Nov-Dec 2000, 17 P 29 SNW; June-July 2001 - 12 P 20 SNW (examined 35 tubes from 222-297); Sept-Oct 2001 - 21 P, 20 SNW (examined 34 tubes from 341-381 & 421-423)

Abu Gmein, Blue Nile - 11°21' N 34°27' E; Nov-Dec 2000 - 21 P 20 SNW (examined 12 tubes; 115-172); June-July 2001 - 21 P 21 SNW (examined 7 tubes; 174-217); Sept-Oct 2001 - 20 P 20 SNW (examined 24 tubes; 383-414)

Not seen by BT - Khordonia Nov-Dec 2000

Mathews (thesis, Appendix D, pp 327-8) separated 41 Formicidae RTUs.  Cites 340 samples; with each canopy sample given a single number, although split into taxonomic groups. [BT comments - almost irreconcilable; clearly I have not had all the samples; the Kordofan findings are not in the thesis]

Tapinoma sp 02 (12) [unclear as I have separated two species, from 5 trees]
Dorylus sp 01 (Khordonia SNW, 1) [a misidentification as none in the tubes and Dorylus species very rarely, if ever ascend trees]
Anoplolepis sp 01 (7) [possibly a misidentification of Lepisiota gracilicornis as Anoplolepis gracilipes]
Camponotus sp 01 (19); Camponotus sp 02 (Rahad P, 1); Camponotus sp 03 (Abu Gmein, 1); Camponotus sp 04 (18); Camponotus sp 06 (Abu Gmein 1) [the only species I found was Camponotus sericeus although there are variations in the colour, notably in the reddishness of the head]
Lepisiota sp 01 (29 trees, common)
Lepisiota sp 02 (Rahad SNW, 2 trees, 10)
Lepisiota sp 03 (Khordonia 1, Rahad 1)
Lepisiota sp 04 (Abu Gmein 1, Rahad 1)
Lepisiota sp 06 (145 trees, very common)
Plagiolepis sp 01 (Abu Gmein p, 1 tree, 1; Khordonia SNW, 1 tree, 1; Rahad SNW, 2 tree, 3) [
Plagiolepis sp 02 (28) [probably Plagiolepis sudanica and Plagiolepis brunni combined]
Cardiocondyla sp 01 (Khordonia P, 2 trees, 6; Khordonia SNW, 2 trees, 11; Abu Gmein SNW, 1 tree, 2) [only specimen seen was a single queen]
Crematogaster sp 01 (Rahad SNW, 1 only) [don't know]
Crematogaster sp 02 (23) [probably a combination of the smaller Crematogaster (Cr.  spp, most being Cr. acaciae]
Crematogaster sp 03 (Khordonia P, 1 tree, 3) [possibly the Crematogaster (Cr.) senegalensis Eritrea form]
Diplomorium sp 1 (Rahad SNW, 1) [possibly a major worker of Monomorium oscaris]
Eutetramorium sp 01 (Rahad SNW (June-July 2001), 1 tree, 123) [definite mis-identification but possibly not among the tubes I have seen]
Myrmicinae indet 01 (Rahad SNW, 1)
Leptothorax sp 01 (10 trees, 37) [possibly Tetramorium cristatum]
Leptothorax sp 02 (Rahad P 1, Abu Gmein P, 4 trees 8) [probably Nesomyrmex angulatus]
Monomorium sp 01 (10 trees, 36)
Monomorium sp 02 (Rahad, 3 trees, 9)
Monomorium sp 03 (Abu Gmein 2 trees, Khordonia 2 trees,5)
Monomorium sp 04 (15 trees, up to 20)
Monomorium sp 05 (Rahad SNW, 2 trees, 8)
Oligomyrmex sp 01 (Khordonia SNW 1 tree, 2) [possibly minors workers of Monomorium oscaris]
Pheidole sp 01 (Khordonia 3 trees, 8; Rahad, 1 tree, 5)
Pheidole sp 02 (Khordonia P, 1)
sp 03 (Rahad SNW 1 tree, 2)
Pheidole sp 04 (Rahad P, 1) [not in tubes I have had]
Pristomyrmex n sp 01 (Abu Gmein, 2 trees P, 13; Khordonia P, 1 tree, 3; Khordonia SNW, 1 tree, 3) [definite misidentifications; I found an example of Plagiolepis brunni labelled as "Pristomyrmex"]
indet sp 01 (Abu Gmein P 1)
indet sp 02 (Khordonia P 1)
indet sp 03 (Abu Gmein SNW 1)
indet sp 04 (Khordonia SNW 1 tree, 3)
indet sp 05 (Abu Gmein P, 1 tree, 2; Rahad SNW, 1)

Species List - 48 species

Tapinoma carininotum Weber
type location Sudan
Kordofan, JM 091, 1 tree (1)
Abu Gmein, JM 402, 1 tree (1)
Probably JM Tapinoma sp 02, combined with T. luteum
Mounted and photographed JM 091 and JM 402
Tapinoma carininotum
Tapinoma luteum (Emery)
JM 330
east and southern Africa *
Kordofan 2 trees (2 & 5)
Rahad 2 trees (4 & 8)
Khordonia 1 tree (1)
Abu Gmein 1 tree (2)
Mounted and photographed JM 092, JM 283, JM 330 and JM 334
Tapinoma luteum
Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus (Fabricius)
JM 223, dimorphic
pan-African, common
Kordofan 8 trees
Rahad 8 trees
Khordonia 14 trees
Abu Ghmein once
Note there is a colour variation with some having a brighter red head - this may explain the JM separation into four species
Mounted and photographed JM 223 and JM 336
Camponotus sericeus
Lepisiota affinis (Santschi)
black form JM 406 (Abu Gmein)
Head sub-square; clypeus with a strong median carina/keel; head with a distinct median impressed line, reaching back to posterior level of the eyes; eyes ovoid but quite broad with angled forward edge; abundant long erect hairs (ca 0.17 mm); petiole profile moderately thick with obtuse apex, shorter than propodeal declivity
TL ca 2.5 mm, CI 85, SI 127
Matches type description
Mounted and photographed JM 341, JM 353, JM 406 and JM IT10
Lepisiota affinis black form
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota affinis (Santschi)
brown form JM 341
Kenya & Sudan
Khordonia 4 trees (19)
Abu Gmein 1 tree (1)

Omer Sudan 2-2-1, Wad Medani

Lepisiota affinis brown form
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota sp JM 234
head sub-square; eyes relatively large (ca 0.40 X length of side of head) shallowly convex; petiole scale with a narrow profile, as high as the propodeum declivity, weakly bispinose; erect pilosity moderately abundant but distinctly shorter (ca 0.10 mm) than on albata and canescens
TL ca 2.6 mm, CI 89, SI 133
Khordonia 1 tree (numerous); label in tube JM "Lepisiota No 3"
The description of Lepisiota imperfecta (Santschi), type location Zimbabwe is a close match, notably the relatively short sparser erect hairs and much reduced pubescence, but that had a TL 2.0 mm and was black
Mounted and photographed JM 234
Lepisiota imperfecta sp JM 234
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota albata (Santschi)
Note polychromic from dark brown-black to dull yellow-brown; JM 372 longer erect hairs (ca 0.12 mm) than JM 234; very thin petiole scale (thinner than Santschi indicates) but squarish head shape matches; eyes relatively large (ca 0.38 X length of side of head) shallowly convex;
TL ca 2.6 mm, CI 85, SI 130
Type location Zaire but I have others from Sudan; slightly larger than the type size, TL 2.3 mm.
This commonly has colonies containing pale to near albino specimens, contrasting with the dark red-brown to black majority
Kordofan 1 tree
Rahad 1 tree
Khordonia 33 trees
Abu Gmein 31 trees
Mounted and photographed JM 342, JM 343, JM 345, JM 372, JM 381, JM 400 and JM 422
Lepisiota albata
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota albata colour variation
Lepisiota albata variation
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota canescens (Emery)
JM 402; head sub-rectangular; eyes ovoid and flat (ca 0.33 of length of side of head); quite thick petiole scale, with a barely impressed upper margin; erect hairs yellowish (ca 0.16 mm long); almost completely dark brown-black, tarsi and base of scapes dull yellow-brown
TL ca 2.5 mm, CI 77, SI 135
common across Sahel zone
Khordonia 3 trees (7)
Abu Gmein 4 trees (9); 211 had a label in tube JM "Lepisiota No 3"
Mounted and photographed JM 211, JM 402, JM 406 and JM 421

Omer Sudan 2009.11; Ar Roseris, 11°50'60"N 34°22'60"E

Several historic records; Kaka, collector Jaegerskioeld (Mayr, 1904b), on acacia stem; Khartoum, Faschoda, Renk & Gondokoro, collector P Magretti (Mayr, 1907a); Khratoum, collector V Karavaiev (Karavaiev, 1911); Sennaar, El Obeid, Karshawal, collectors H Werner & R Ebner (Viehmeyer, 1923)

Lepisiota canescens
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota curta (Emery)
Head somewhat wider and more truncate than depilis, with scape surpassing occiput by < one-third of own length; eyes quite small
TL 2.3-2.5 mm, CI 88, SI 103 but 117-124 on fresh Sudan specimens

Mounted and photographed JM 370

Omer Sudan 11; Umdaldal 1, South Sudan Province, collector Awatif Omer, 2006
Omer Sudan 2.7; Dinder (Aldinder) National Park Centre, 11°21' N 35°02' E along Sudan-Ethiopian Boundary
Omer Sudan 2009.7; Sennar, 13°33'N 033°37'E, collector Awatif Omer
Omer Sudan 2009.26; Abbasiya, 12°1'9.01" N 27°58'3.17" E  

Lepisiota carbonaria
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota depilis (Emery) acholli (Weber)
JM 351; clypeus with distinctive raised median carina; eyes near flat (ca 0.4 x length of side of head); alitrunk relatively short and stocky, pronotum quite strongly domed; petiole scale weakly bispinose, head narrowed anteriorly but in profile convex on both upper and lower sides; erect hairs moderately long and slender off-white (ca 0.10 mm long). head quite shaggy due to decumbent pubescence; overall uniform dark brown-black
type location Somalia; type description has petiole scale effectively unarmed, head, pronotum and mesonotum subopaque. This is shinier but seems a good match for acholli
TL ca 2.4 mm, CI 88, SI 124
Khordonia 2 trees (351 only 12; 370 3 plus very many others)
Mounted and photographed JM 351
Lepisiota curta
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota foreli (Arnold)
JM 073; head near rectangular, with a narrow profile; clypeus with an obtuse median carina; eye ovoid weakly convex (0.37 X length of side of head); petiole scale profile quite narrow, with a sharp apex, very weakly bispinose, unusually narrow seen from above; mahogany, almost no erect hairs except a few very short on gaster
TL ca 2.2 mm, CI 82, SI 111
type location Zimbabwe *
May not be foreli but generally matches description, small size and colour, here somewhat darker red-brown, alitrunk narrow in dorsal view; limited numbers of pale specimens (callows?), distinctive dull appearance of propodeum
Kordofan 6 trees most with 1 ant but one tree (089) with numerous
Khordonia 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 040, JM 073, JM 074, JM 080, JM 084, JM 087, JM 091 and JM 096
Lepisiota foreli
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota gracilicornis (Forel)
JM 040; slender. elongated species, petiole and propodeum with sharp spines
TL ca 3.6 mm, CI 75, SI 230
Unmistakeable Horn of Africa species
Kordofan 1 tree (1)
Rahad 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 040 and JM IT6

Omer Sudan 1.16, Port Sudan, 19.57° N 37.27° E
Omer Sudan 2.2.1, Wad Medani
Omer Sudan 2009.17; Afad (South Ad Damazin), 11°46'0"N 34°21'0"E
Omer Sudan 2009. 15; Shendi, Northern Sudan, 16°41'N 33°26'E
Omer Sudan 2009.20.2 & 2009.21.1; Khartoum - 15°35'703" 32°32'15" E
Omer Sudan 2009.28; Wad el Hadad - 13°49'12.06" N 33°32'31.53" E
Lepisiota gracilicornis
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota laevis (Santschi)
JM 294; head sub-circular, widest at occipitum; eyes in full face view a peculiar shape, weakly convex (0.34 X length of side of head); short alitrunk and scapes; alitrunk strangely small, short and stocky; petiole scale weakly bispinose. also extremely narrow and small; shiny but head very finely sculptured and submatt; small, very sparse, short hairs (ca 0.07 mm long) on border of gaster segments; very dark brown *
TL ca 2.4 mm, CI 89, SI 113
Khordonia, JM 294, 1 tree (1), JM 295 (1 worker)
Kordofan, JM 092. JM 093
Mounted and photographed JM 092, JM 093, JM 294 and JM 295
Lepisiota laevis
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota palpalis (Santschi)
JM 174; small, long palps distinctive; head in full face view near circular; eyes large (0.43 x length of side of head); pronotum dorsally flattened; propodeum dorsum with a weak longitudinal septum; petiole bispinose; abundant fine erect yellow pilosity (on gaster ca 0.12 mm long); shiny unsculptured, except lateral mesonotum and propodeum which are very finely spiculate; chestnut to dark brown; antennae wholly yellow brown except for apical segments of funiculus
TL ca 2.5 mm, CI 80, SI 138
Abu Gmein, JM 174 1 tree (5) - rather more brown than others from Sudan.
Mounted and photographed JM 174 and JM 154

Also Omer 2009-34-2
Omer Sudan 20-01; Kosti, western bank of River Nile, 280 km south of Khartoum, collected by Awatif Omer, 2006
Lepisiota palpalis
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota palpalis Santschi type form
JM 154; head subsquare, with weakly concave occiput; clypeus with quite a strong median carina/keel; eyes large (0.42 X length of side of head) ovoid but shallowly convex; petiole profile moderately narrowed but sharply tapered apically, bispinose; legs unusually long; abundant erect yellowish pilosity (ca 0.12 mm long); shiny but mesonotum and propodeum dull due to fine spiculation; dark brown
TL ca 2.9 mm, CI 91, SI 124
Khordonia 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 154
Lepisiota nsp 154
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota n sp JM IT6
Head sub-circular, in profile also sub-circular; frons with a long median impression; eyes moderate and set more or less on the front of the face, so that hardly breaking outline of sides (0.328 X length of side of head); scape unusually thick and apically widening; petiole scale with quite narrow profile, as high as the propodeal declivity; erect hairs abundant and quite thick (ca 0.12 mm long); base colour dusky yellow to dull yellow-grey, appearance overall is dull
TL ca 2.6 mm, CI 89; SI 128
Khordonia 1 tree (1) tube with JM label "Lepisiota 4"
Possibly the Santschi (1937d) "Acantholepis capensis Mayr v. subopaciceps n. v." (presently under L. simplex).
Mounted and photographed JM IT6
Lepisiota nsp JM IT6
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota n sp JM 362
Very distinctive shiny unsculptured, yellow brown, gaster darker; pronotum dorsally flattened; head sub-square, widest behind the eyes; eyes ovoid moderately convex (0.37 X length of side of head); in profile head sub-circular with broadly convex lower side; clypeus with strong median carina running right to anterior margin; propodeum dorsum with distinctive longitudinal septum; petiole narrow and emarginate apically; abundant erect yellow pilosity (ca 0.16 mm long)
TL ca 2.7 mm, CI 90, SI 131
Khordonia 1 tree (6)
Mounted and photographed JM 362
Lepisiota nsp 362
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota n sp JM 074
Small, occiput near straight; eyes almost flat and slightly inset into surface of head, narrow ovoid ca 1.7 longer than wide (0.37 X length of side of head); pronotum shallowly convex; petiole emarginate, moderately thick; sparse short yellow pilosity (ca 0.05 mm); shiny unsculptured, alitrunk yellow brown, head and gaster darker;
TL ca 1.7 mm, CI 83, SI 130
Kordofan 1 tree (2)
Mounted and photographed JM 074
Lepisiota nsp 074
FORMICIDAE Lepisiota n sp JM 084 (also JM 072)
Head sub-circular; eye relatively small, subcircular and flat (0.30 X length of side of head); petiole scale transversely unusually narrow, apex weakly concave, unusual in being slightly higher than the propodeal declivity; erect pilosity very much reduced and very short, ca 0.05 mm; weakly shiny and dull yellow-brown
In curta-group of Santschi (1937d), with laevis (see above)
TL ca 2.2 mm, CI 85-88, SI 113
Kordofan 2 trees (084 1 & 094 2)
Mounted and photographed JM 072 and JM 084
Lepisiota nsp 084
Plagiolepis (Plagiolepis) brunni Mayr
JM 115
Khordonia 4 trees (7) [JM "Pristomyrmex"]
Abu Gmein 6 trees (12)
Mounted and photographed JM 115, JM 154, JM 183 JM 234, JM 385 and JM 398
Plagiolepis brunni
Plagiolepis (Plagiolepis) exigua Forel (not sudanica)
JM 160
matches type description although seemingly slightly lighter
Kordofan 1 tree (19)
Khordonia 2 trees (4)
Abu Gmein 10 trees (12)
Mounted and photographed JM 160, JM 172, JM 174, JM 211, JM 341, JM 413 and JM 414
Plagiolepis exigua
Tapinolepis (Mesanoplolepis) mediterranea (Mayr)
JM 072-01 major
type location and only literature record was Egypt; Antweb has a photo of a specimen from Kenya *
Kordofan 10 trees (1-20)
Khordonia 4 trees (4)
JM 289 had a label "Formicinae Plagiolepis"
JM 279 had a label "Lepisiota No 4"
Mounted and photographed JM 072, JM 092,  JM 279 and JM 289
Tapinolepis mediterranea major
Tapinolepis mediterranea
JM 072-01 minor
First illustration of minor

Tapinolepis mediterranea minor
Tapinolepis (Mesanoplolepis) pernix (Viehmeyer)
JM 092
Type location Sudan; matches type description; first illustrations
Kordofan 7 trees (1-7)
Khordonia 2 trees (2)
JM 292 had label "Formicine Acropyga"
Mounted and photographed JM 072 and JM 092
Tapinolepis pernix
Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel, queen
JM 115
Pan-African and tramp species
Abu Gmein 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 115
Cardiocondyla emeryi queen
Crematogaster (Crematogaster) acaciae Forel major
JM 287
Type location Ethiopia from acacia *
Kordofan 3 trees (8-numerous)
Khordonia 5 trees (4-numerous)
Mounted and photographed JM 092 and JM 287

Crematogaster acaciae major
Crematogaster acaciae minor
JM 287
Crematogaster acaciae minor
Crematogaster (Crematogaster) castanea F. Smith
JM 174
poorly defined and very "variable" species; this matches var. ulugurensis Forel, from Tanzania, finely but densely striate head and alitrunk
Khordonia 1 tree (1)
Abu Gmein 1 tree (8)
Mounted and photographed JM 174 and JM 370
Crematogaster castanea
Crematogaster (Crematogaster) chiarinii Emery cincta Emery
JM 294
The "sub-species" or variety was from Somalia; probably a distinct species as the type form is black and the variety was described as having a brown head, somewhat ferruginous in front, the alitrunk and pedicel ferruginous, the antennae and legs ferruginous-testaceous; the gaster with the base testaceous-yellow and the rest dull brown
Khordonia 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 295
Crematogaster chiarinii cincta
Crematogaster (Crematogaster) mimosae Santschi
JM 172
Type location Kenya, an Acacia inhabitant
Abu Gmein 1 tree (150 +)
Mounted and photographed JM 172
Crematogaster mimosae
Crematogaster (Crematogaster) rivai Emery major worker
JM 072
Type location Ganana (Somalia/Ethiopia) from a swollen Acacia spine; close to type description, perhaps somewhat darker but with a distinctive 4-segmented antennal club; scapes thicker than other species *
Kordofan 4 trees
Mounted and photographed JM 072, JM 078, JM 091 and JM 336
Crematogaster rivai major
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster rivai minima worker
Crematogaster rivai minima
Crematogaster (Crematogaster) senegalensis Roger
JM 059
Pan-Sahelian species; this matches a type form specimen I have from Niger
Kordofan 8 trees (2 trees have numerous workers)
Mounted and photographed JM 040, JM 059, JM 084, JM 085 and JMN 294

Crematogaster senegalensis
Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) chlorotica Emery
JM 174
Literature records are from West Africa but this matches the type description and specimens I have  from Mali and Benin
Abu Gmein 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 174
Crematogaster chlorotica
Monomorium nsp JM 076
JM 076
Distinctive striated mandibles
Kordofan 1 tree (1 only); 24.x.2000
TL ca 3.4 mm, HW 0.71, HL 0.88, CI 90, SL 0.72, SI 102, PW 0.45; eyes ca 0.29 X HW
Mounted and photographed JM 076
Monomorium luteum
Monomorium manir Bolton
JM 254
Previously known only from the holotype collection in Kenya; from Acacia-Commophila scrub * first illustration
Kordonia 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 254
Monomorium manir
Monomorium mictilis Forel
JM 174
Pan-Sahel species *
Khordonia 2 trees (5 & 2)
Abu Gmein 2 trees (1 & 1)
Mounted and photographed JM 174, JM 345 and JM 394
Monomorium mictilis
Monomorium niloticum Emery
JM 183
Seemingly primarily North African and up the Nile to Sudan (my records)
Khordonia 1 tree (1)
Abu Gmein 2 trees (2 & 1)
Mounted and photographed JM 183 and JM 244
Monomorium niloticum
Monomorium oscaris Forel
JM 093, polymorphic, major shown
Pan-African savannah species
Kordofan 1 trees (1 & several)
Abu Gmein 2 trees (6 & 2)
Mounted and photographed JM 040, JM 093 and JM 394
Monomorium oscaris major
Monomorium oscaris Forel
JM 040, minor
Monomorium oscaris minor
Monomorium pullulum Santschi
JM 093, polymorphic, major shown
Pan-Sahel, type location Senegal, but I have a specimen from Egypt, now these *
Kordofan 10 trees (ca 12 on each)
Rahad 1 tree (5)
Khordonia 2 trees (many & 6)
Mounted and photographed JM 072, JM 073 and JM 283
Monomorium pullulum
Monomorium robustior Forel
JM 093, polymorphic, major shown
East African, type location Somalia *
Kordofan 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 072
Monomorium robustior
Monomorium salomonis (Linnaeus)
JM 040
Essentially a North African species
Kordofan 1 tree (2)
Mounted and photographed JM 040
Monomorium salomonis
Myrmicine queen possibly Monomorium pullulum Santschi
Rahad Plantation 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM IT7
Myrmicine queen
Nesomyrmex angulatus (Mayr)
JM 174
North Africa - Sahel species
matches Egyptian specimens
Abu Gmein 3 trees (2, 5 & 8)
Mounted and photographed JM 174
Nesomyrmex angulatus
Pheidole escherichii Forel
JM 334; minor
type location Eritrea but I have specimens from Sudan
Rahad 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 334
Pheidole escherichii minor
Pheidole cf prelli
JM 226; minor
The type location for Pheidole prelli Forel is Kenya; and this is generally darker than the type description of overall yellow-rust *
Khordonia 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 226
Pheidole cf prelli minor
Pheidole rugaticeps Emery
JM IT2; minor
type location Eritrea, but a Sahel species
Khordonia 1 tree (1)
Abu Gumein 1 tree (2)
Mounted and photographed JM IT2
Pheidole rugaticeps minor
Pheidole saxicola Wheeler
JM 340; minor
type location Zaire, I have a specimen from Congo *
Rahad 1 tree (1)
Mounted and photographed JM 340
Pheidole saxicola minor
Pheidole sculpturata Mayr
JM 240; minor
type location South Africa, but recorded from Somalia and Kenya *
Khordonia 1 tree (2) (first photo)
Mounted and photographed JM 240
Pheidole sculpturata minor
Tetramorium cristatum Stitz
JM 384
Seemingly a savannah species from right across the Sahel; with relatively few records (first photo)
Abu Gmein 5 trees (3, 5, 5, 1 & 1)
Mounted and photographed JM 384, Jm 385 and JM 390
Tetramorium cristatum
© 2010, 2014 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
